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Writing a Provider

Provider Template

Get started with the official CBLE Provider repository template:

Get Provider Template


Metadata files let CBLE know how to install, build, and execute providers at runtime. As of writing, providers only support 2 modes of operation: docker and shell. All of this information should be located in a file called cble-metadata.yaml in the root of your provider repository.

Providers need to support some basic fields to describe the provider overall. Here’s an example from provider-openstack:

name: provider-openstack
description: Builder that interfaces with Openstack
author: Bradley Harker <>
version: v1.0.0-alpha

type: docker # docker, shell

Provider Types

For each provider type, you must specify the respective block within your cble-metadata.yaml:


The docker runtime builds a container image and executes the provider in a Docker container.

Provider docker metadata options
  dockerfile: <location of the provider dockerfile>
  cmd: <command to run provider> # the ID will be passed as the last positional argument


The shell runtime executes a provider as a subprocess and requires installing prerequisites via command hooks.

Provider shell metadata options
  prebuild_cmd: <commands to install prerequisites (optional)>
  build_cmd: <commands to build provider binary>
  exec_cmd: <command to run provider> # the ID will be passed as the last positional argument