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Config File


All defaults are pulled from the config.example.yaml file. For instructions on configuring production environments see Installation - Configuration.

Global Options

Applies to all components of CBLE

Option Type Default Description
debug Boolean false Enables/disables low level debug logging


Configures the CBLE webserver

Option Type Default Description
hostname String localhost The FQDN of the server
port String 8080 The webserver port (must match Caddyfile /api route)
ssl Boolean false Enforces the use of secure cookies
gql_introspection Boolean true Allows GraphQL Introspection against the API
origins []String http://localhost:8080
Allowed origins for CORS


Configures the connection from CBLE to the database

Option Type Default Description
username String cble The PostgreSQL username
password String cble The PostgreSQL password
host String db The hostname/IP of the PostgreSQL container/host
ssl Boolean false Enforces a SSL/TLS connection to PostgreSQL


Configures the handling of providers

Option Type Default Description
cache String /tmp/cble-providers The location where providers are downloaded, built, and executed from


Configures user authentication

Option Type Default Description
jwt_key String xxxxxxxxxxx... The secret key used to sign JWT authentication tokens
session_timeout Duration 24h0m0s Length of user session validity


Options used to configure CBLE on first boot

Option Type Default Description
default_project String default The name of the default project
admin_group String CBLE Administrators The name of the default admin group


Configuration for the default admin user (admin access granted to default project)

Option Type Default Description
first_name String CBLE First name for the default user
last_name String Admin Last name for the default user
username String cble Username for the default user
password String cble Password for the default user


Configures the behavior of deployments

Option Type Default Description
auto_suspend_time Duration 3h0m0s Time until deployments are automatically suspended
lease_time Duration 2160h0m0s Time until deployments are automatically destroyed


Configures the default quotas for new projects

Option Type Default Description
quota_cpu Int 10 Maximum number of CPU cores (set to -1 for infinite)
quota_ram Int 32768 Maximum MiB of RAM (set to -1 for infinite)
quota_disk Int 131072 Maximum MiB of disk space (set to -1 for infinite)
quota_network Int 1 Maximum number of networks (set to -1 for infinite)
quota_router Int 1 Maximum number of routers (set to -1 for infinite)